
🔗 Github repo ChitChat A simple chat application, with chat rooms. Live demo Mainly used react for the frontend and django , and django channels for the backend. Thanks to the open source libraries and websites like: framer-motion , tailwindcss , animista , djangochannelsrestframework (although I haven’t used this in the final app) etc… To install dependencies, use: pip install -r requirements.txt or just: pip install Django channels daphne python-decouple...

8 January, 2022 · 1 min · 127 words

AI plays-python

🔗 Github repo AI plays-python A simple flappy bird game, written in Python, where the player is AI. A flock of birds will try to survive in this game (rather environment), the best ones will continue, rest will die. Much like our evolution :) It uses the concept of Evolutionary artificial neural networks (EANNs), or Evolving Neural Networks. I did this project mainly to get some idea of neural networks, machine learning in a somewhat interesting way....

9 November, 2021 · 2 min · 278 words