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A simple chat application, with chat rooms.

Live demo

Mainly used react for the frontend and django , and django channels for the backend.

Thanks to the open source libraries and websites like: framer-motion , tailwindcss , animista , djangochannelsrestframework (although I haven’t used this in the final app) etc…

To install dependencies, use: pip install -r requirements.txt or just: pip install Django channels daphne python-decouple

Create a .env file and put a SECRET_KEY there, or decleare a SECRET_KEY environment variable.

To create a secret key: python -c 'from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())'

use command daphne chitchat_server_project.asgi:application to start the server in production mode. Also make debug=False in production (use daphne -p $PORT ... if you are using a custom port environment variable).